
Munich is the third biggest city in Germany and has plenty of shopping areas to explore and browse. From luxurious brands to vintage second hand book shops, there is something for everyone.

Superficie en Munich

Découvrez nos espaces les plus remarquables

Bon à savoir

Informations juridiques

Oui. La sous-location est géneralement autorisée.
Oui, il y a des restrictions.
Subleasing is not possible without the landlord's consent unless the landlord's permission has already been explicitly given in the tenancy agreement.
Non, une prolongation du bail ne peut être exclue contractuellement.
Tenant can only extend the lease if it contains an option to extend.
Tenant can only extend the lease if it contains an option to extend.
Non, l'assurance de responsabilité civile n'est pas exigée par la loi.
Non, les propriétaires n'exigent généralement pas d'assurance responsabilité civile.
Non, aucun permis n'est nécessaire pour exploiter un commerce de détail. Toutefois, des permis peuvent être nécessaires pour de la construction et d'autres travaux.
In general, no special permits are required for the exercise of most businesses. However, certain businesses require special permits and licenses. Please note that business registration is required in Germany. The registration must be made at the local trade office (Gewerbeamt) or regulatory agency (Ordnungsamt) before or at the same time as the start of the business.
Please find the business registration form under the following link:
Shops are allowed to be open on working days (Monday to Saturday) from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. and must be closed on Sundays and public holidays. Please note: - Bakeries may open from 5:30 a.m. - There are exceptions like Petrol stations, pharmacies, health resorts, etc. - Shops may be open for a maximum of four Sundays and public holidays on the occasion of markets, trade fairs, or similar events if these days are released by ordinance in accordance with the Shop Closing Act.
Exceptional permits under the Shop Closing Hours Act can only be granted if the exceptions are urgently required in the public interest. You can request the permits from the local authority.
A special use permit is required. Please apply at the local district office.