Elegant store front in the East Village

High foot traffic, modern decor with natural lighting

New York, Vereinigte Staaten

· Ideal für Einzelhandel, Concept Shop, Ausverkauf, Promotion, Event, Markenerfahrung, Flyerverteilung · Fläche 550 sq ft


Pro Tag USD 250.00
Pro Woche USD 1,750.00
Pro Monat USD 7,000.00


Mindestdauer: 2 Tage
Maximaldauer: 28 Tage
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This storefront is located in the East Village, a trendy and bustling neighborhood in downtown New York City known for its posh cocktail lounges, hip restaurants and diverse mix of shops and boutiques. During the day, the area attracts a laid-back crowd browsing vintage shops and tattoo parlors, and dining at casual cafes. The storefront itself has a wide window in the front that allows a lot of natural light to come in, making it an ideal spot to attract foot traffic. Upon entering, there is a luxurious chrome and glass chandelier that adds elegance to the space. The storefront features a bare brick wall from the 1920s, which adds a sense of character and history to the space, while the white painted floor and walls create a sense of openness and keep a classic downtown New York feel. This space is suitable for galleries, clothing pop-ups or showroom or temporary office space. It has a small, clean bathroom, a rustic pipe clothing rack, two desks, and additional living room furniture that is available upon request.


  • Innenbereich
  • Boden
  • Beleuchtung
  • Mallabschluss offen
  • Mallabschluss verglast
  • Strom
  • Wasser
  • Toiletten
  • Klimagerät
  • Lüftung
  • Heizung
  • Sicherheitssystem
  • Kundenparkplätze
  • Barrierefrei


Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar Sonderangebot

Hausregeln & Konditionen

It is important to be respectful of the space and follow its rules. Some of the specific rules for this storefront may include:

No perforations or damage to the walls
No painting of the walls or other surfaces
No excessively loud music
No open flames or fire of any kind
No smoking inside the building
No glitter
Always make sure to lock the door when leaving the space
It is important to be mindful of these rules in order to maintain the integrity of the space for other users and for the landlord.