Steel And Glass Storefront Gallery

Kings County, Vereinigte Staaten

· Ideal für Concept Shop, Ausverkauf, Event · Fläche 750 m² · Lagerfläche 1 m²


Pro Tag USD 600.00


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The custom, fabricated steel and glass storefront, with its stunning arched metal door and radically curved mullions, screams a grandiose entrance is a small and intimate event space. The gallery is very accessible, situated on one of Bushwick's most up and coming streets, Wilson Ave.

The concept of this gallery is directed by sculptor, Tyrome Tripoli. He is the property owner, the gallerist, curator, architectural metalworker and one of the showing artists. Tripoli is curating a series of group art shows, exhibiting work from artists that he feels is important and under represented. While he is building the brand of these artists, the gallery's dynamic programing is now open for private events as well the Bushwick community.

Our location has a ton of walk by traffic. The space has excellent light from the glass front and there is a window at the back of the space. The space has gallery style spot lighting. One wall is white painted brick the other is sheetrock. The space is approximately 10 feet wide and 20 feet deep. The ceilings are 10' high. There is door at the back of the space that leads to the bathroom and utility sink.


  • Beleuchtung
  • Regale und Hänger
  • Toiletten
  • Küche
  • Kunden-WLAN


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Hausregeln & Konditionen

Our space is a contemporary art gallery, so guests must respect the art hung on the wall and on display. Every month a new show opens exhibiting art work ranging from sculpture, photography, painting, collage, installation.
Guests must clean and arrange the space back to its original state. If the guest made holes in the wall from hanging paintings, than the holes must be filled and painted. Space must be clean and free from garbage. If garbage exceeds one bag than the guest must take remaining trash with them