Hackett & Hackett (London) Ltd


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Hackett & Hackett (London) Ltd

United Kingdom

A unique opportunity to share office facilities within a boutique style space located in Baker Street,Central London,where, incidentally the first Bentley motor car was ever produced. This exclusive part of London has a fabulous fee paying school along with famous hotels close by. Lancia coachworks,the proud purveyors of the marque globally also reside here. The facility is compact at street level with shop front. Spot lighting really shows off the facility very well indeed. Shared wash and bathroom facilities. Security lighting and cctv. Great street lighting. Single yellow line parking restrictions only. Free parking on weekends. Looking for an individual or perhaps 2 persons to share the space with full time sole access. They or their business must be truly alligned to our niche business tending to HNW clientele. Ideally travel management/concierge style businesses or security, stockbroking or bespoke estate agency. Particular interest from fashion and...